September 22nd 1:30pm - 3:30pmEmployment Readiness Workshop: Job Search

Join us for our virtual Employment Readiness Workshop and Discussion: Job Search

The focus of this workshop and discussion is to familiarize individuals with the process of job searching. It offers individuals the opportunity to brainstorm possible future job options that best suit their needs, interests, their strengths, weaknesses and achievable goal setting. The facilitators will also offer tips for job fairs and how to be prepared. This workshop is very beneficial as it is very personalized for each participant. Participants are given resources and information that can be useful for job searches.

Topics covered
• Job search methods
• S.M.A.R.T goal setting and examples
• Job fair preparation
• 6 steps for informational interviewing
• Different job searching platforms

For more information contact Stephanie - 905-691-9759